Meta-transactions | Blockchain Relayer

The Role of Blockchain Relayer in Transforming Financial Systems

Antier Solutions
7 min readJul 19, 2023


Blockchain relayers are third-party services that facilitate the communication and transaction of data between different blockchain networks. They do this by acting as intermediaries between the networks, translating data between different protocols, and ensuring that transactions are processed correctly.

A blockchain relayer help facilitate the exchange of digital assets securely, transparently, and without the need for traditional intermediaries. Unlike centralized exchanges that custody user funds, blockchain relayers allow users to retain control of their assets, providing enhanced security and eliminating the risk of hacks or mismanagement.

Relayers play an important role in the growth of the blockchain ecosystem. They allow for the interoperability of different blockchains, which is essential for the development of cross-chain applications. They also help to improve the scalability and performance of blockchain networks by offloading some of the processing burden from the nodes.

A blockchain relayer can operate on any blockchain network such as Ethereum to leverage smart contracts that facilitate the exchange process. These smart contracts execute trades based on predefined rules and conditions, ensuring trust and transparency throughout the transaction.

There are two main types of blockchain relayers:

  • Data relayers are responsible for transferring data between different blockchain networks. They do this by using a variety of methods, such as HTTP, WebSockets, and RPC.
  • Transaction relayers are responsible for sending and receiving transactions on behalf of users. They do this by using a variety of methods, such as meta-transactions and batching.

Key Takeaways

  • Blockchain relayers are third-party services that facilitate the communication and transaction of data between different blockchain networks.
  • Relayers can be used for a variety of purposes, including cross-chain communication, scalability, and security.
  • There are both benefits and challenges associated with using blockchain relayers.
  • As the blockchain industry continues to grow, it is likely that relayers will play an increasingly important role.

Use Cases of Blockchain Relayers

Here are some of the best use cases and examples where a blockchain relayer has made a significant impact:

  • Cross-chain communication: Relayers can be used to connect different blockchain networks, allowing for the transfer of data and assets between them. This is essential for the development of cross-chain applications. For example, the relayer IBC-relay is used to facilitate the communication and transaction of data between different blockchain networks that support the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol.
  • Scalability: Relayers can help to improve the scalability of blockchain networks by offloading some of the processing burden from the nodes. This can be done by batching transactions or by using a variety of other methods. For example, the relayer Biconomy is used to batch transactions and send them to the Ethereum network. This helps to improve the scalability of the Ethereum network by reducing the number of transactions that need to be processed by the nodes.
  • Security: A blockchain relayer can help to improve the security of the blockchain network by providing a layer of abstraction between users and the underlying network. This can make it more difficult for attackers to exploit vulnerabilities in the network.

For example, the relayer Gelato is used to help developers build gasless and off-chain aware smart contracts. Here are some other examples of how relayers have been used to make a significant impact:

  • The relayer 0xrelay is used to connect individual orders to an order book for users to store and find matched orders off-chain. This helps to improve the efficiency of the order-matching process and reduces gas costs for users.
  • The relayer OpenZeppelin Relay is used to send transactions via HTTP API, automating smart contract operations securely. This helps to simplify the process of interacting with smart contracts and reduces the risk of errors.
  • The relayer Connext is used to provide cross-chain liquidity for decentralized applications. This allows users to swap assets between different blockchain networks without having to go through a centralized exchange.

Relayers Are Capable of Revolutionizing the Financial Landscape

Blockchain relayers are revolutionizing the financial landscape by offering several benefits that traditional exchanges struggle to provide.

Let’s explore some of the notable advantages:

1. Enhanced Security

By eliminating the need for centralized custody, using a blockchain relayer significantly reduce the risk of hacks and theft. Users retain control of their private keys and can securely trade assets without trusting a third party.

2. Transparency

Blockchain relayers leverage the transparency and immutability of blockchain technology. Every transaction is recorded on the blockchain, providing a transparent and auditable trading history.

3. Improved user experience

Relayers can simplify the process of interacting with blockchain networks for users. This is because they can handle the complex tasks of signing transactions and paying gas fees.

4. Reduced costs

Relayers can help to reduce the costs of using blockchain networks. This is because they can batch transactions together, which can save users on gas fees.

5. Global Access

Since a blockchain relayer operates on a decentralized network, it enables users from anywhere in the world to trade digital assets seamlessly. This inclusivity fosters financial empowerment and opens up investment opportunities for individuals previously excluded from traditional financial systems.

6. Liquidity

The introduction of blockchain relayers has improved liquidity in the DEX ecosystem. By pooling liquidity from multiple sources, relayers offer users access to a wider market, enabling efficient order matching and reducing price slippage.

7. Programmable Trading

Smart contracts empower blockchain relayers to offer advanced trading functionalities, including limit orders, stop-loss orders, and even decentralized margin trading. These programmable features enhance the trading experience and provide users with greater control over their investments.

8. Interoperability

Blockchain relayers can connect with other decentralized applications (dApps) and protocols, creating a seamless ecosystem of financial services. This interoperability allows users to access a wide range of DeFi tools and services without the need for multiple accounts or platforms.

Relayers Can Help In Making Gasless Transactions

A blockchain relayer can facilitate the implementation of gasless transactions by handling the gas costs on behalf of the user. This is done by using a technique called meta-transactions.

A meta-transaction is a special type of transaction that contains two parts:

  • The first part is a message that is signed by the user. This message contains the information that the user wants to send to the blockchain, such as the address of the recipient and the number of tokens to transfer.
  • The second part is a transaction that is sent by the relayer. This transaction pays the gas costs for the first part of the meta-transaction.

The relayer is able to pay the gas costs because it has a balance of tokens in the blockchain network. When the relayer sends the transaction, it uses its own tokens to pay for the gas. This means that the user does not need to have any tokens in the blockchain network to send a gasless transaction.

The process of sending a gasless transaction with a relayer is as follows:

  1. The user signs a message that contains the information that they want to send to the blockchain.
  2. The user sends the signed message to the relayer.
  3. The relayer sends a transaction that pays the gas costs for the first part of the meta-transaction.
  4. The transaction is processed by the blockchain network.
  5. The user’s message is delivered to the recipient.

Gasless transactions are a valuable tool for making blockchain applications more accessible to users. They allow users to send transactions without having to worry about gas costs. This can make it easier for users to get started with blockchain applications and use them on a regular basis.

Challenges of using blockchain relayers

Blockchain relayers are a valuable tool for the blockchain ecosystem, but there are also some challenges associated with using them. Here are some of the most common challenges:

  • Reliability: A blockchain relayer is a third-party service, so there is always the risk that it could become unavailable or go offline. This could disrupt the flow of data and transactions between blockchain networks.
  • Security: Relayers are a potential target for attackers. If an attacker were to gain control of a relayer, they could potentially disrupt the flow of data and transactions between blockchain networks.
  • Cost: Relayers can be expensive to use, especially if you are using them to send a large number of transactions.
  • Complexity: Relayers can be complex to set up and use. This can be a challenge for users who are not familiar with blockchain technology.
  • Interoperability: Not all blockchain relayers are compatible with all blockchain networks. This can be a challenge if you are trying to connect two different blockchain networks that use different relayers.

Despite these challenges, blockchain relayers can be a valuable tool for the blockchain ecosystem. They provide a number of benefits, including improved user experience, reduced costs, and increased security. As the blockchain industry continues to grow, it is likely that relayers will play an increasingly important role.

What’s The Solution?

Here are some tips for mitigating the risks associated with using blockchain relayers:

  • Choose a reliable relayer: When choosing a relayer, it is important to choose one that has a good track record of uptime and security.
  • Use a secure connection: When using a relayer, it is important to use a secure connection, such as HTTPS.
  • Be aware of the fees: Relayers typically charge fees for their services. Be sure to understand the fees before you start using a relayer.
  • Back up your data: It is important to back up your data regularly, in case the relayer goes offline or is hacked.

Top 5 Blockchain Relayers

Here are some of the most popular blockchain relayers:

  • Biconomy: Biconomy is a transaction/relayer infrastructure platform that supports Ethereum, Polygon, and Arbitrum.
  • Gelato: Gelato is a Web3’s decentralized backend that helps developers build gasless and off-chain aware smart contracts.
  • OpenZeppelin Relay: OpenZeppelin Relay is a defender relay that sends transactions via HTTP API, automating smart contract operations securely.
  • 0xrelay: 0xrelay is a relayer that connects individual orders to an order book for users to store and find matched orders off-chain.
  • IBC-relay: It’s a relayer that facilitates the communication and transaction of data between different blockchain networks that support the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol.


Blockchain relayers have emerged as crucial intermediaries in the decentralized finance ecosystem, revolutionizing the way digital assets are traded. By providing enhanced security, transparency, and global access, relayers are reshaping the financial landscape and empowering individuals to take control of their financial destinies. As the technology continues to evolve and mature, we can expect a blockchain relayer to play a pivotal role in the mass adoption of decentralized exchanges and drive the next wave of innovation in the world of finance.



Antier Solutions

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